Nipigon, Ontario

The Ontario Geological Survey and Lakehead University co-hosted the 51st Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology meeting on May 24-28 in Nipigon, Ontario. The meeting consisted of two days of technical sessions with three pre-meeting and three post-meeting field trips. Ryan Tuomi provided excellent on-site AV assistance that kept the sessions running on schedule and also designed the Meeting web site. Bill Addison, Peter Hinz, Bernie Schnieders, John Scott, Mary Louise Hill and Mike Easton provided invaluable assistance with the field trips. Levina Collins of the Nipigon Economic Development Office acted as a liaison with the Town of Nipigon. Total registration for the meeting was 127 students and professionals.

Proceedings Volume 51 was published in two parts: Part 1 – Program and Abstracts, edited by Mike Easton and Pete Hollings, with published abstracts for 26 oral and 14 poster presentations; and Part 2 – Field Trip Guidebook, edited by Pete Hollings.

The 51st meeting marked the first time the ILSG Annual Meeting was held in Nipigon, enabling the organization of excellent field trips. On Tuesday, May 24, Tom Hart, Phil Fralick and Mark Smyk co-led a two-day trip to examine the geology and gold mineralization of the Beardmore-Geraldton greenstone belt. The following day, Peter Barnett led a small but dedicated group to view the Quaternary geology of the Beardmore-Nipigon area and, in a first for the Institute, Pete Hollings led a flotilla of small boats out on to Lake Superior to examine the Mesoproterozoic Midcontinent Rift (MCR) stratigraphy near Rossport. On May 28, three trips set out from Nipigon: Pete Hollings and Phil Fralick reprised the Rossport Trip; Tom Hart led a group to examine the geology of the Black Sturgeon area, focusing mainly on the diabase sills and ultramafic intrusions associated with the MCR; and Mark Smyk led a trip to look at the pegmatites and high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Quetico subprovince. Photographs from the field trips can be viewed in the photo gallery.

One hundred and ten participants attended the Annual Banquet. Dr. Jim Franklin provided the after-dinner presentation, entitled “Mineral Resources for the Future: The Resource Potential of Northern Lake Superior”. Peter Hinz had the privilege of presenting the 2005 Goldich Medal to Co-Chair Mark Smyk of the Ontario Geological Survey. Mark has worked tirelessly for the Institute over the last 17 years and has also made significant contributions to the understanding of Lake Superior geology.

The student paper committee (Penelope Morton, Greg Stott and Wally Rayner) were faced with the usual dilemma when it came to picking a winner from the eight talks and two posters. The winners were:
2005 Best Student Paper Awards
1) Daniela Vallini – University of Western Australia ($300, Winner, best oral presentation)
2) Noah Planavsky and Jennifer Murphy – Lawrence University ($200, Winners, best poster presentation)
3) Angelique Magee, OGS/Lakehead University ($100, Honourable mention, oral presentation)
In addition, Eisenbrey travel awards in varying amounts were presented to students from:
• Lawrence University (Noah Planavsky and Jennifer Murphy);
• North Dakota State University (Damion Knudsen);
• Lakehead University (Adam Richardson, Riku Metsaranta, Dawn-Ann Trebilcock, Chris Lane, Mike Maric, Jordan Laarman, and Bjarne Almqvist.

The Institute’s Board of Directors met on May 26, 2005, and brief summary of the meeting follows:
1. Accepted report of the Chairs for the 50th ILSG, Duluth, Minnesota
2. Received, discussed, and accepted 2004-2005 ILSG Financial Summary from ILSG Treasurer Mark Jirsa.
3. Approved Mark Smyk as on-going ILSG Board member
4. Approved 2006 (52nd annual) meeting location—Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, and co-chairs Ron Sage (OGS - retired) and Ann Wilson (OGS).
5. Replaced David Meineke as the “member from industry” on Goldich Committee with Doug Duskin.
6. Amended the Institute’s by-laws in order to qualify for 501c3 status with the IRS.
7. Established the ILSG Student Research Fund with US$10,000 from the Institute’s general fund to encourage student research on the geology of the Lake Superior region.

The 51st ILSG meeting was a great success and we would like to thank all the individuals who contributed to this success, including the people and businesses of Nipigon. The following organizations are thanked for their sponsorship of the meeting: Ontario Geological Survey, Lakehead University, Lake Nipigon Region Geoscience Initiative, Ontario Prospectors Association, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Thunder Bay Branch), Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association, and Chaltrek Geological Supplies Inc. The field trips were well-attended and we would like to extend our thanks to the trip leaders and all those who found themselves with keys to rental cars thrust into their hands at short notice. The Municipality of Greenstone and Roxmark Mines Limited provided generous in-kind support for the Beardmore-Geraldton trip. We would also like to thank all those attendees who pitched in to help move poster boards, chairs and dining tables without having to be asked. The members of the Institute never cease to impress.

Both of us were very pleased with the 51st meeting and thankful that it was not marred by accident, injury or inclement weather. We appreciated all the positive feedback from delegates, who enjoyed the small-town setting, meeting venues and varied field trips. Logistical arrangements, although much more daunting in a small community, did not prove to be insurmountable. It bodes well for those considering hosting the Annual Meeting in a smaller town. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Respectfully submitted
Pete Hollings and Mark Smyk
Co-Chairs, 51st ILSG


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