Terry Boerboom at the contact between a rhyolite intrusion and a gabbro on the Mamainse Point trip (Photo courtesy of Pete Hollings)
The Mamainse Point group (Photo courtesy of Pete Hollings)
Terry Boerboom examinging ripple marks in the Mica Bay Fm (photo
courtesy of Karl Wirth) |
Daisystone from Mamainse Point (photo
courtesy of Karl Wirth)
Intraformational conglomerate at Stop 9 on the Mamainse Point trip (photo courtesy of Karl Wirth)
A confused group of geologists trying to unravel the relationships between the flows on the Mamainse Point trip (photo courtesy of Karl Wirth)
Banded rhyolite from Stop 10b of the Mamainse Point trip (photo courtesy of Karl Wirth)
An even more confused group of geologists trying to unravel the relationships between rhyolites and conglomerates on the Mamainse Point trip (photo courtesy of Karl Wirth)
Terry Boerboom explaining the contact relationships on the Mamainse Point trip (photo courtesy of Len Espinosa)