ILSG Application for Eisenbrey Student Travel Award

The 1986 Board of Directors established the ILSG  Eisenbrey Student Travel Award to support student participation at the annual Institutes. The awards will be made from a special fund set up for this purpose. This award is intended to help defray some of the direct travel costs to the Institute and may include a waiver of registration fees, but excludes expenses for meals, lodging, and field trip registration. The number of awards and value are determined by the annual Chairman in consultation with the Secretary-Treasurer and will be announced at the annual banquet.

The ILSG Board of Directors encourages students to fully participate in all aspects of the annual meetings. To that end, we request that students who apply for Eisenbrey Travel Awards arrive at registration by the morning of the first day of Technical Sessions, or notify the meeting Chair if they cannot do so.

The following general criteria will be considered by the annual Chairman, who is responsible for the selection:

  1. The applicants must have active resident (undergraduate or graduate) student status at the time of the Institute, certified by the department head.
  2. Students who are the senior author on either an oral or poster paper will be given favored consideration.
  3. It is desirable for two or more students to jointly request travel assistance.
  4. In general, priority will be given to those in the Institute region who are farthest away.
  5. Each travel award request shall be made in writing, to the annual Chairman, with an explanation of need, possible author status or other significant details.

Successful applicants will receive their awards during the Annual Meeting.

For the 2025 meeting interested students should apply using the application form available here. Applications must be completed and returned to the Meeting Chair by midnight Friday, April 18th, 2025.

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