2010 Report - Photo gallery

This gallery is a work in progress and we will be adding more photos as they become available. Check back regularly. If you have photographs you would like included please send them to the ILSG Secretary

In addition to the photos above a number of our members have posted pictures of the trips on their web sites. Jack Berkley has posted a number of photographs here and Dave Wilhelm has posted some here. *New - Jessica Bkorkman has just posted her photos from the meeting here.

Trip 1 - Mineral deposits of the Rainy River area

The group looking down the axis of the Rainy River Resources orebody (photo courtesy Terry Boerboom)

Wally Rayner explains the geology at Rainy River Resources (photo courtesy Dave Dahl)

Trip 2 - Geology of Archean succession at Atikokan

Dick Ojakangas in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Phil Larson examines the stromatolites (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Phil Fralick examines the stromatolites (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Examining the stromatolites (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)


Phil Fralick explaining the geology in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Tom Waggoner)

Phil Fralick explaining the geology in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Tom Waggoner)

Phil Fralick explaining the geology in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Tom Waggoner)

Steep Rock mine (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Karl Bjorkman at carbonate sequence of Steep Rock succession (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)


Trip 3 - Structural geology along the Quetico fault

Howard Poulsen (photo courtesy Mary Louise Hill)

Dyanna Czeck (photo courtesy Mary Louise Hill)

Howard Poulsen and Peter Hinz (photo courtesy Mary Louise Hill)


The meeting


Bill and Wendy Addison proudly display Bill's Goldich medal


What is the collective term for a group of Goldich medallists anyway? (photo courtesy Len Espinosa)

Bill Addison (photo courtesy Len Espinosa)

Bill Cannon, Greg Brumpton and Bill Addison (photo courtesy Len Espinosa)

Dick Ojakangas at his book signing (photo courtesy Len Espinosa)

The students (photo courtesy Len Espinosa)

Trip 4 - Archean geology of Voyageurs National Park and Little America gold mine

Chris Hemstad pilots one of the flotilla on Rainy Lake (photo courtesy Dave Dahl)

Loading the flotilla for the trip on Rainy Lake (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Rich Patelke, Annie Craddock and Milt Gere (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Doug Duskin and Lenny Espinosa look for gold at the Little America Gold Mine (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Floating on the lake (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Chris Hemstad at the Seine Group Contact (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Examining the Seine Group Contact (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

The National Park Service boat in dry-dock that we were supposed to use for Trip #4, had low water levels on Rainy Lake not precluded it's launch (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Back to the boats (photo courtesy Mary Louise Hill)



Trip 5 - Ash River neutrino detector laboratory and the Archean Vermilion Granitic Complex

U of M NOvA site near Ash River in Vermilion Granitic Complex (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Group decending into the hole (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Group overlooking the hole (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)


Trip 6 - Transect through the Quetico-Wabigoon subprovince boundary

Quetico-Wabigoon transect; Jirsa on conglomerate (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Dick Ojakangas near conglomerate (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

Schist-rich migmatite in Vermilion Granitic Complex; 5' student for scale (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)


Trip 7 - Mineral deposits of the Mine Centre – Rainy Lake area

Examining the MacKenzie Grey vein (photo courtesy Paul Albers)

Terry Boerboom fixing a flat (photo courtesy Paul Albers)

Pete Hinz explains the GUP pyroclastic komatiites to the group (phot courtesy Dave Dahl)


Trip 8 - Geology and environmental issues of the Steep Rock mine

Rob Purdon introduces the Steep Rock Pit (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Acid mine drainage in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Acid mine drainage in the Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

The Steep Rock pit (photo courtesy Marsha Patelke)

Dr. Andrew Conly and Rob Purdon explaining the trip (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Rob Purdon at the Hardy Dam (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Dr. Andrew Conly, Stephanie Theriault, Avery Cota, Dave Meineke, Lindsay Moore (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

The Narows Dam (photo courtesy Karl Everett)

Post post-meeting trip

After-meeting trip to Gunflint Trail with Bevan French and Bill Addison (trip as promised to thank Bevan for banquet talk - photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)

After-meeting trip one folded iron formation beneath ejecta and "Wild Bill" Addison (photo courtesy Mark Jirsa)


In addition to the photos above a number of our members have posted pictures of the trips on their web sites. Jack Berkley has posted a number of photographs here and Dave Wilhelm has posted some here