Index of Proceedings Volumes and Field Trip Guidebooks

of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology


Our volumes have moved and are now hosted by the Archives & Digital Collections At Lakehead University Library. The volumes can be found on the ILSG Landing page within the collection.

Some members have reported problems locating the field guide for each meeting. These are included on the same web page as the abstract volume just scroll down outside the doucument to access the second PDF


The ILSG is pleased to make our collection of abstract volumes and field guides available for free download. All we ask is that if you make use of them you provide due credit to the original authors. In October 2016 the Institute was awarded the Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series Award by the Geoscience Information Society. The list below is maintained as an archive of our publications and where possible includes a list of field trips for each meeting. Links to individual volumes are no long included but the full collection of PDFs can be found at the ILSG Landing Page of the Archives and Digital Collections of Lakehead University. We are very grateful to the Archivist, Sara Janes, for her support in housing this invaluable resource.

This webpage builds on the original compilation by Michael Mudrey and Jim Miller. Please send comments and suggestions the ILSG Secretary for more information about the availability of paper copies for any of these volumes.

Thanks to the hard work of Lura Joseph (University of Illinois-Urbana) we can now offer a searchable index of ILSG publications. You can use the index to search author, title, source (including volume number), publication year, meeting location and/or meeting dates. Once you have found what you want you can download it from the list below.

A complete list of ILSG meeting publications containing such information as author, editor, chairperson, and sponsoring organization is maintained by:
MTU Archives & Copper Country Historical Collections
J. Robert Van Pelt Library
Michigan Technological University
Houghton MI 49931
Phone: 906-487-2505


INDEX:     1955-1970          1970-1980          1980-1990          1990-2000          2000-2010          2010-2020          Special Publications

1 1955 Minneapolis, MN Carl Dutton Program and Abstracts
2 1956 Houghton, MI A.K. Snelgrove Geological Exploration
3 1957 East Lansing, MI B.D. Sandefur Program and Abstracts
4 1958 Duluth, MN Ralph Marsden Program and Abstracts
5 1959 Minneapolis, MN E. Cameron, R. Hoppin Program and Abstracts
6 1960 Madison, WI Eugene Cameron Program and Abstracts
7 1961 Port Arthur, ON E.G. Pye Program and Abstracts
8 1962 Houghton, MI A.K. Snelgrove Program and Abstracts
9 1963 Duluth, MN Henry Lepp Program and Abstracts
Stratigraphy of the Biwabik Iron Formation
10 1964 Ishpeming, MI A.T. Broderick Program and Abstracts
Marquette iron-mining district and Republic trough
11 1965 St. Cloud, MN P.K. Sims, R. Hogberg Program and Abstracts
St. Cloud granite district, central Minnesota
12 1966 Sault Ste. Marie, MI A. Snelgrove, C. Kemp Program, Abstracts, Areal Descriptions and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
1. Regional geology of the Sault Ste. Marie area
2. Geology and mineral deposits of the Manitouwadge Lake area, Ontario
3. The relationship of mineralization to the Precambrian stratigraphy, Blind River area, Ontario
4. Sudbury nickel irruptive tour, Ontario

13 1967 East Lansing, MI

Bill Hinze

Program, Abstracts, and Guidebook
In P&A volume
Grenville Province of southeastern Ontario, Bancroft-Madoc area
14 1968 Superior, WI Bert Dickas Program and Abstracts
Guide for Field Trip in the Duluth Complex near Ely, Minnesota
15 1969 Oshkosh, WI Gene LaBerge Program and Abstracts
Central Wisconsin Volcanic Belt
16 1970 Thunder Bay, ON M. Bartley, E. Mercy Program, Abstracts, and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
1. Proterozoic formations in the Thunder Bay area
2. Sturgeon River metavolcanic-metasedimentary formations in the Beardmore-Geraldton area
3. The Port Coldwell alkalic complex
4. Geology of the Atikokan area
17 1971 Duluth, MN Don Davidson Program, Abstracts and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
1. North Shore Volcanic Group
2. Precambrian rocks of northwestern Cook County as exposed along the Gunflint Trail
3. Mesabi Range magnetite taconite
4. Geology of the Vermilion metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt, northeastern Minnesota

18 1972 Houghton, MI Joe Kalliokowski Program and Abstracts
1. Penokean Orogeny in the central and western Gogebic region, Wisconsin and Michigan
2. Penokean deformation style and regional metamorphism at the western Marquette Range, Michigan
19 1973 Madison, WI M.E. Ostrom Program and Abstracts
1. Geology and mineral deposits of the central part of Jackson County and part of Clark County, Wisconsin
2. Precambrian geology of northeastern and north-central Wisconsin
20 1974 Sault Ste. Marie, ON P.E. Giblin Program, Abstracts and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
1. Middle Keweenawan Rocks of the Batchawana-Mamainse Point area
3. Precambrian igneous rocks of the north shore of Lake Huron region
4. Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Huronian Supergroup
5. The Michipicoten greenstone belt
21 1975 Marquette, MI J.D. Hughes Program, Abstracts and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
2. Greenstone
3. The Jacobsville Sandstone: Evidence for a Lower-Middle Keweenawan age
4. Marquette Iron Range
5. The Empire Mine and Mill, Palmer, Michigan

Supplement color map of the Marquette Mineral District by B. Boyum
22 1976 St. Paul, MN Matt Walton Program, Abstracts, and Guidebooks
In P&A volume
Engineering and Pleistocene geology in the Twin Cities area
23 1977 Thunder Bay, ON M.M. Kehlenbeck Program and Abstracts
1. Geology of the Coldwell Alkaline Complex
2. Proterozoic rocks of the Thunder Bay area, northwestern Ontario
3. Archean metallogeny and stratigraphy of the South Sturgeon Lake area
24 1978 Milwaukee, WI G. Mursky Program and Abstracts
1. Southwestern Wisconsin zinc-lead district
2. Precambrian rhyolite and granite inliers in south-central Wisconsin
25 1979 Duluth, MN Don Davidson Program and Abstracts
(Joint Mtg with NCGSA)
Field Trip Guidebooks (some published separately as MGS Guidebook Series, remainder apparently unavailable).
1. Middle Precambrian volcanic and plutonic rocks of northern WI
2. Stratigraphy, structure and mineral resources of east-central Minnesota (MGS Field Trip Guidebook Series no. 9)
3. Quaternary geology of the Duluth area
4. Geology of the Mesabi Iron Range
5. Geol. history & engineering geol.of the western Lake Superior region
6. Cambrian and Ordovician stratigraphy and paleontology of SE MN
7. Archean volcanism and sedimentation of the western Vermilion District, northeastern Minnesota (MGS Guidebook Series no. 10)
8. Keweenawan (Upper Precambrian) North Shore Volcanic Group, Minnesota (MGS Field Trip Guidebook no. 11)

26 1980 Eau Claire, WI Paul Myers Program and Abstracts
1. Precambrian geology of the Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin
2. Precambrian tectonic history of the Black River Valley
3. Petrology, geochemistry, and contact relations of the Wausau and Stettin syenite plutons, Central Wisconsin

4. Precambrian geology and tectonics of Marathon County, Wisconsin
27 1981 East Lansing, MI Bill Cambray Program and Abstracts
The Huronian rocks between Sault Ste. Marie and Thessalon, District of Algoma, Ontario
28 1982 International Falls, MN Dave Southwick Program, Abstracts, and Guidebooks
In P&A Volume
1. Mineral deposits of the Fort Frances-Mine Centre area, Ontario
2. Archean geology of the International Falls-Kabetogama area, MN
29 1983 Houghton, MI Ted Bornhorst Program, Abstracts and Field Trip 1 Guidebook
1. Ropes gold mine and its geological setting (in P&A volume)
2. Field Guide to the Geology of the Keweenaw Peninsula
30 1984 Wausau, WI Gene LaBerge Program and Abstracts
1. Geology of the Early Proterozoic rocks in northeastern Wisconsin
2. Early Proterozoic tectonostratigraphic terranes of the southern Lake Superior region
3. The Wausau Syenite Complex
31 1985 Kenora, ON Charlie Blackburn Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. The Cameron Lake Deposit
2. Geologic setting and style of gold mineralization in the Lake of the Woods area
3. Geological relationships in the vicinity of the Wabigoon-Winnipeg River subprovincial interface in the Kenora area
4. A volcanic facies interpretation of the Berry River Formation
5. Granitoid related mineralization in the Dryden area

32 1986 Wisconsin Rapids, WI Jeff Greenberg Program and Abstracts
1. The Wolf River Batholith and Baraboo interval
2. Penokean deformation and metamorphism in central Wisconsin: volcanic rocks and gneisses
33 1987 Wawa, ON E.D. Frey, R.P. Sage Program and Abstracts
1. Geology of the Wawa area and gold mineralization
2. Geology and stratigraphy of the Michipicoten Iron-Formation
3. Geology of the Hemlo Deposit
4. The Kapuskasing Uplift: Archean greenstones and granulites
34 1988 Marquette, MI John Klasner Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. An introduction to Archean geology and precious metal mineralization of the Marquette Greenstone Belt, Michigan
2. Marquette mineral district of Michigan, mining history and geology
3. A structural traverse across a part of the Penokean orogen illustrating Early Proterozoic overthrusting in northern Michigan
35 1989 Duluth, MN John Green Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. North Shore rhyolites, Minnesota
2. Penokean Structural Terranes in east-central Minnesota
3. Mellen Complex, Wisconsin
4. Archean gold occurrences and their structural settings (Virginia Horn)

36 1990 Thunder Bay, ON M.M. Kehlenbeck Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Mafic intrusions, PGE mineralization, and granitoid rocks of Lac des Illes area
2. Geology of the Shebandowan and Quetico Archean subprovinces
3. Granitoid-related mineral deposits in the western Lake Superior region
4. Base metal mineralization in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt
37 1991

Eau Claire, WI

Paul Myers Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Mountain Shear Zone-A post-Penokean discrete ductile deformation zone
2. Features and significance of the Precambrian-Cambrian contact in western Wisconsin
3. Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of NW Wisconsin

38 1992 Hurley, WI Bert Dickas Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Archean and Early Proterozoic geology of the Gogebic District
2. Evolution of the Keweenawan sedimentary sequence
3. Geology of the Keweenawan Supergroup at Porcupine Mountains
4. Geology of the Great Lakes Tectonic Zone-Marquette area-a late Archean paleosuture

39 1993 Eveleth, MN Dave Southwick Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Geology and taconite mines of the Mesabi range
2. DNR Core Library (Biwabik Iron Formation, Partridge River & South Kawishiwi intrusions, Regolith in Rotasonic cores-northern Minnesota)
3. Geology of Archean greenstone-granite terrane: Cook-Side Lake area
4. Duluth Complex at Duluth
40 1994 Houghton, MI Ted Bornhorst Part 1: Program and Abstracts
Part 2: Self-guided geological field trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
Part 3: Volcanic geology of eastern Isle Royale, Michigan
Part 4: Michigan kimberlites and diamond exploration techniques
Part 5: Lessons from mining case histories:West Menominee Range, Michigan
41 1995 Marathon, ON Mark Smyk Program and Abstracts
A. Alkalic rocks of the Midcontinent Rift
Geology and base metal deposits of the Manitouwadge Greenstone Belt
Geology of the Schreiber Greenstone assemblage and it gold and base metal mineralization
Geology and gold deposits of the Hemlo area
Kimberlite, base metal, and gold exploration using overburden,Wawa area
42 1996 Cable, WI Laurel Woodruff Program and Abstracts
Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: a commemorative volume (and guide for tour of Flambeau Mine, Field Trip #3)
Field Guidebook for Trips 1,2,4,& 5 (one volume)
1. Glacial geology of northwestern Wisconsin
2. Middle Proterozoic-Archean transect
4. Early to Middle Proterozoic geology of the Lake Namekagon region
5. Stratigraphy and structure of the Early Proterozoic Penokee Gap region
43 1997 Sudbury, ON R. Sage, W. Meyer Part 1: Program and Abstracts
Part 2: The Huronian Supergroup between Sault Ste. Marie and Elliot Lake
Part 3: New Developments in Grenville Front Geology, Sudbury Area, Ontario
Part 4: The Sudbury Structure with Emphasis on the Whitewater Group
Part 5: Magmatic Ore Deposits of the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Part 6: Alkalic rocks of the Sudbury Region
Part 7: Regreening of Sudbury
44 1998 Minneapolis, MN J. Miller, M. Jirsa Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Early Proterozoic intrusive rocks of east-central Minnesota
2. Geology of the southeastern portion of the Midcontinent Rift
3. Glacial exotica of the Twin Cities area
4. Stratigraphy and hydrogeology of Paleozoic rocks of southeastern MN
5. Minnesota River Valley and vicinity, southwestern Minnesota)
45 1999 Marquette, MI T. Bornhorst, R. Regis Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Early Proterozoic strata of the Marquette Iron Range
2. Archean Ishpeming greenstone belt and gold mineralization
3. Tilden and Empire mines of the Marquette Iron Range
4. Paleozoic and glacial geology from Au Train to Grand Marais, Michigan
46 2000 Thunder Bay, ON S. Kissin, P. Fralick Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Geology and stratigraphy of the Mesoproterozoic Sibley Group
2. Geology of the Lac des Iles PGE-Cu-Ni Mine
3. Geoarchaelogy and deglaciation history of the Thunder Bay area
4. Geology of the Paleoproterozoic Gunflint Formation
5. Glacial history and regional till sampling in the Archean Shebandowan greenstone belt
6. Geology of the Archean Steep Rock Lake-Finlayson Lake greenstone belt
47 2001 Madison, WI M. Mudrey, B. Brown Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Sedimentologic, tectonic, and metamorphic history of the Baraboo interval: new evidence from investigations in the Baraboo Range, Wisconsin
2. Geology, ore deposits, and cultural history of the Upper Mississippi Valley zinc-lead district
3. Economic geology of the Baraboo and Waterloo Quartzites of southern Wisconsin
48 2002 Kenora, ON P. Hinz, R.C. Beard Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Tanco Rare-Element Pegmatite, Southeastern Manitoba
2. Quaternary Geology of Southeastern Manitoba
3. Structure and Sedimentology of the Seine Conglomerate, Mine Centre Area, Ontario
4. Industrial Minerals and Paleozoic Geology of Southeastern Manitoba
5. Separation Rapids Rare-Element Pegmatite Field, Ontario
6. Geology of the Red Lake Camp, Ontario
49 2003 Iron Mountain, MI L. Woodruff, W. Cannon Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
Overview-Paleoproterozoic stratigraphy and tectonics along the Niagara suture zone, Michigan and Wisconsin
1. Pembine-Wausau magmatic terrane
2. Menominee Iron District #3
3. Stratigraphy and structure of the Iron River-Crystal Falls basin
4. Life cycle of an iron deposit-the Republic Mine from ore genesis to mine restoration
50 2004 Duluth, MN S. Hauck, M. Severson Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Volcanic Stratigraphy, Hydrothermal Alteration, and VMS Potential of the Lower Ely Greenstone, Fivemile Lake to Sixmile Lake Area
2. Geologic Highlights of New Mapping in the Southwestern Sequence of the North Shore Volcanic Group and in the Beaver Bay Complex
3. Late Wisconsinan Superior-Lobe Deposits in the Lake Superior Basin northeast of Duluth
4. Geology of the Eastern Mesabi Iron Range, Northeastern Minnesota
5. Classic Outcrops of Northeastern Minnesota
6. Glacial and Postglacial Landscape Evolution in the Glacial Lake Aitkin and Upham Basin, Northern Minnesota
7. Economic Geology of Archean Gold Occurrences in the Vermilion District, northeast of Soudan, Minnesota
8. Geology and Mineralization of the Western Contact of the Duluth Complex, Partridge River and South Kawishiwi Intrusions, Northeastern Minnesota
51 2005 Nipigon, ON M. Smyk, P. Hollings Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Geology and gold mineralisation of the Beardmore-Geraldton greenstone belt
2. Quaternary geology of the Beardmore-Nipigon area
3. A stratigraphic transect across the northern flank of the Midcontinent Rift near Rossport
4. Geology and rare element pegmatites of the Quetico subprovince near Nipigon
5. Geology of the Black Sturgeon area
52 2006 Sault Ste. Marie, ON A. Wilson, R. Sage Part 1: Program and Abstracts
Part 2: Glacial Lakes Algonquin and Nipissing Shoreline Bedrock Features: Mackinac Island, Michigan
Part 3: Unusual Diamond-bearing Rocks of the Wawa Area
Part 4: The Huronian Supergroup between Sault Ste Marie and Elliot Lake
Part 5: Keweenawan Rocks of the Mamainse Point Area
Part 6: Geological guidebook to the Paleoproterozoic East Bull Lake intrusive suite plutons at East Bull lake, Agnew Lake and River Valley, Ontario
53 2007 Lutsen, MN L. Woodruff, J. Miller Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Igneous stratigraphy of the Poplar Lake intrusion
2. Geologic and cultural history of Grand Portage National Monument
3. Midcontinent Rift-related mafic intrusions north of the international border
4. Geology and Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization - Nickel Lake macrodike, South Kawishiwi intrusion #5
5. Geology of the North Shore from Little Marais to Grand Marais
6. Geology along the Gunflint Trail)
54 2008 Marquette, MI T. Bornhorst, J. Klasner Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Banded Iron formation of the Marquette District 
2. Archean-Paleoproterozoic unconformity at Silver Lake
3. Geology of the Back Forty Project
4(&8). Geology of the Eagle Project
5. The Sudbury impact layer at the McClure Locality #6
6. Sustainable recovery of the iron from the Marquette District
7. Geology of the Keweenawan BIC Intrusions
55 2009 Ely, MN J. Miller, G. Hudak, D. Peterson Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Cu-Ni deposits of the Duluth Complex
2. Glacial geology of the Vermillion Moraine
3. Soudan iron mine and physics lab tour
4. Pioneer Mine canoe excursion
5. Geology and metamorphism of the Eastern Mesabi Range
6. Geology of the Lake One troctoloite by canoe
7. Architecture of an Archean greenstone belt
56 2010 International Falls, MN M. Jirsa, P. Hollings, T. Boerboom, M.Smyk Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Mineral deposits of the Rainy River area
2. Geology of an Archean succesion at Atikokan
3. Structural geology along the Quetico faults
4. Archean geology of Voyageurs National Park and Little America gold mine,
5. Ash River neutrino detector laboratory and the Archean Vermilion granitic complex
6. Transect through the Quetico-Wabigoo subprovince boundary
7. Mineral deposits of the Mine Centre- Rainy Lake area
8. Geology and environmenatl issues of the Steep Rock Mine
57 2011 Ashland, WI Tom Fitz Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Igneous Stratigraphy of the Layered Series at Duluth
2. Midcontinent Microcosm
3. Geology of the Bayfield Peninsula
4. Geology and Remediation at the Ashland/Northern States Power Site
5. Bad River Watershed Culvert Restoration Program
6. Geology of Copper Falls State Park
7. Geology of the Montreal River Monocline
8. The Archean/Paleoproterozoic unconformity near Denham, Minnesota
9. Granitic, Gabbroic, and Ultramafic rocks of the Kewenanwan Mellen Intrusive Complex
58 2012 Thunder Bay, ON Peter Holliings Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Sudbury Impactoclastic debrisites at Thunder Bay
2. Geology of the Sibley Peninsula
3. Lac des Iles Mine
4. Shebandowan Mine area
5. Geology of the Thunder Bay area
6. Thunder Bay amethyst mine
7. Building stone tour of downtown Port Arthur
8. Highway 527 transect
9. Rehabilitation of the past-producing Shebandowan and North Coldstream mine sites
10. Geoarchaeology of Thunder Bay
11. Midcontinent Rift intrusions
59 2013 Houghton, MI Allan Blaske and Ted Bornhorst Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Geologic overview of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
2. Caledonia Mine, Keweenaw Peninsula native copper district, Ontonagon County, Michigan
3. Geology of Silver Mountain, Houghton County, Michigan
4. Geology of the Keweenawan Supergroup, Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon and Gogebic Cos., Michigan
5. Geologyand environmental site conditions of the Copperwood deposit, Gogebic County, Michigan
60 2014 Hibbing, MN Jim Miller and Mark Jirsa Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1. Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Structure, & Mineralization of the Biwabik Iron Fm, Central Mesabi
Iron Range
2. A Walk in the Park – Neoarchean Geology of Lake Vermilion State Park
3. Western Mesabi Range Mining Operations
4.  Visions of Maturi: The geology of the South Kawishiwi Intrusion
5.  The St. Louis sublobe and Glacial Lake Upham
6. Geology and Gold Mineralization of the Virginia Horn area
A. State Drill Core Library – Hibbing, Minnesota
B. Hibbing’s Iron Mining and Cultural History
C. Minnesota Discovery Center
D. Coleraine Minerals Research Laboratory
E.  Mineview from a Canoe
61 2015 Dryden, ON Rob Cundari and Pete Hinz Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1: The Central Red Lake Gold Belt
2: Western Wabigoon Subprovince Transect, Dryden to Meggisi Lake
3: Thunder Lake (Goliath) project
4: Classic outcrops of the Dryden area
5: Gold occurrences of Van Horne Township, Van Horne gold property - Flambeau exposures
6: Unique Mineralizing Event at the Pidgeon Molybdenum deposit - stripped surface exposure
7: Geology and mineral deposits of the Pickle Lake Greenstone Belt
8: The Ghost Lake Batholith and related pegmatites
9: Mattabi/Sturgeon Lake Historic VMS Camp
62 2016 Duluth, MN Jim Miller, Christian Schardt, and Dean Peterson Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1: Glacial geology of the Laurentian 
2: Neoarchean geology of the western Vermilion District
3: Cu-Ni-PGE deposits of the Duluth Complex
4: Geology of the Endion Sill along the Duluth Lakewalk
Geology and trout fishing along Amity Creek, Duluth
6: Archean and Proterozoic geology of the Gunflint Trail
7: Keweewan geology of the Hovland area
8:Duluth harbor geologic history boat cruise: Quaternary to Anthropocene
63 2017 Wawa, ON Anthony Pace, Ann Wilson and Ted Bornhorst Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1: Archean and Proterozoic geology of the Marathon-Hemlo area  
2: More unusual diamond-bearing rocks of the Wawa area
3: Geology of the Wawa gold project
4: Geology of the Island gold mine
5: Geology of the Renabie area h
6: Kapuskasing structural zone and Borden Lake gold deposit
64 2018 Iron Mountain, MI Laurel Woodruff, Esther Stewart and Bill Cannon Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1: Archean and Paleoproterozoic geology of the Felch district, Central Dickinson County, Michigan
2: Geology of the Hemlock Formation
3: Geology and iron ores of the Menominee Iron Range Dickinson County, Michigan
4: Granitoid rocks of the Pembine-Wausua terrane in Northeastern Wisconsin

65 2019 Terrace Bay, ON Mark Smyk and Pete Hollings Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)
1: The Slate Islands
2: Midcontinent Rift-Related Carbonatites and Diatremes
3: Geology of the Western Schreiber-Hemlo Greenstone Belt
4: Geology of the Nipigon on Area
5: A stratigraphic transect across the Northern flank of the Midcontinent Rift near Rossport
6: Geology of the Coldwell alkaline complex
7: Building and ornamental stone sites of the Marathon Area, Ontario
8: Geology of the past-producing Winston Lake Cu-Zn Mine

66 2020       No meeting was held because of the pandemic

67 2021 Vitual Meeting Pete Hollings, Mark Smyk and Mark Jirsa Program and Abstracts No Field Trip Guidebook was produced

68 2022 Sudbury, Ontario Michael Easton and Wouter Bleeker Program and Abstracts Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)

69 2023 Eau Claire, WI Robert Lodge, Esther Stewart and Carsyn Ames Program and Abstracts Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)

70 2024 Moughton, MI Theodore J. Bornhorst, Erika C. Vye, Patrice Cobin, and James DeGraff Program and Abstracts Field Trip Guidebook (one volume)

Special Publications:

Field Trip Guidebook for the Slate Islands, Ontario (2006) by Pete Hollings, Mark Smyk, Bill Addison and Phil Fralick

Field Trip Guidebook for Isle Royale: Keweenawan Rift Geology (2013), by Bill Rose and Justin Olson